
Doof of the Dogs is volume 5 in the series Operator's Manual for the Hu-Man Body.  Doof of the Dogs should be considered a continuous narrative of about 3000 pages separated by the limits of printing in concert with Hu-Man Beans, Same Pig Different Lipstick, Prion Agenda, and Continuum.  Biological molecules that are the building blocks of Life are laid out in textbook fashion but not like any textbook that you have or will ever see.  All mystery and occultation has been stripped away for that "I finally GET IT" moment to dawn on you.  The main focus is on the laboratory-grade weapon called Candida yeast.  The topic of Bile and how it rules the health of the body is covered with insights that ONLY can be had by my work and nowhere else.  These books contain harsh, blasphemous language that is suitable for the condition that we find ourselves in of full-spectrum warfare in Hell, so there will be no apologies or sanitized versions of these books ever offered.  These books should change your life and change your world.

Operator's Manual for the Hu-man Body started out as a chapter in Eve's ILL.  It became a book of its own on the topic of Food as a Weapon.  Operator's Manual got too big to print as a single book so it was split into Operator's Manual as Volume 1
and doof, Food spelled Backwards as Volume 2.

As far back as 1900 AD a Full Spectrum Warfare assault by the Planetary Military Occupation was waged on what you have been led to beLIEve was 'food'.

There are NO 'natural' or 'organic' foods or anything that passes for 'food' on this planet and that story is worth the price of these books.

The only reason that people are forced to take supplements is because


There are three major problems we face:
-  Intestinal biofilm from laboratory grade bioweapons prevents us from absorbing nutrients.
-  Our lymphatic systems are clogged from microbes and toxins.  This insures that nutrition that might get through doesn't go anywhere.
-  Chromosome damage insures that if nutrition did get there nothing can be built from it.
Medicine and Alternative Medicine expect you to Close Your Eyes and Open Your Mouth, when, during Opposite Day, you should

Open Your Eyes and Close Your Mouth!

These books list the mindnumbing paradoxes of one 'expert' stating a position on a 'fact' to have another 'expert' reverse that 'fact'.  Without a guide there is no way of telling which end is up or what to think.  To make a statement and then reverse it causes cognitive dissonance that is a tool of Mind Control.

Because the listener/reader doesn't know what to think on their own they are more likely to allow someone else to tell them what to think.

The sharks in Whitecoats LIE to, ROB, and KILL their victims.  The people that escape get consumed by the remoras in Greycoats (Alternative Medicine) who are in on the game and who also LIE to, ROB, and KILL their prey.

Because I have no products to sell or agenda to pander to I can give the unvarnished Truth on the LIES that occult health, supplements and the elusive thing called "FOOD" that defies definition.


There are NO supplements that are not synthetic and nearly all are made from GMO microbes!  There is NO HOPE (the Final Demon) until the Fraud is revealed for what it is, so that the only option left is to destroy the Fraud and Destroy the Murderers who play both sides against the middle in a game of suffering and death with the added bonus of collecting billions of dollars in the process.

Before you enter I should probably prepare you for Sticker Shock.  The price of this next series of 5 books will be outrageous.  The project began in 2013 and finished 4 & 5 in  2016.  I have worked 17 hours a day 7 days a week to bring you REALITY.  In true journalistic fashion of showing both sides (or more) of each topic I let the reader decide what is real or not in a world of FRAUD and MILITARY ASSAULT.  The reason that I call my website Vaccine Fraud is because in Their system, fraud and murder have no statute of limitations.  These books chronicle the crimes against an entire planet.  The price is high because they are WORTH it.  You will find no one else on this sick rock that can do the analysis and work towards solutions and countermeasures.  The information and its organization and presentation are unparalleled.

Same Pig Different Lipstick is volume 4 in the series Operator's Manual for the Hu-Man Body.  Same Pig should be considered a continuous narrative of about 3000 pages separated by the limits of printing in concert with Hu-Man Beans, Doof of the Dogs, Prion Agenda, and Continuum.  Same Pig shows you just who your enemy is and what they have done.  A deconstruction on just the MTHFR gene is unlike anything out there.  Coupled with volume 3, and 5 the full scope of the assaults on humanity can neither be denied or discerned by any other source or any other author.  This work is UNIQUE in its scope and presentation. A transcription of a work on flesh food as doof is simultaneously disgusting but indispensable for survival on this planet.  These books contain harsh, blasphemous language that is suitable for the condition that we find ourselves in of full-spectrum warfare in Hell, so there will be no apologies or sanitized versions of these books ever offered.  These books should change your life and change your world.

​Operator's Manual for the Hu-Man Body

Hu-Man Beans is volume 3 in the series Operator's Manual for the Hu-Man Body.  Hu-Man Beans should be considered a continuous narrative of about 3000 pages separated by the limits of printing in concert with Same Pig Different Lipstick, Doof of the Dogs, Prion Agenda, and Continuum.  Frankly, Beans starts out slow; brings you to the peak of the roller coaster; and then the bottom drops out.  The revelation of allograft corruption of our genomes will be found nowhere else.  A harsh evaluation of homeopathy and several transcriptions of works on the disease Scabies have been Jordanized to the level that you have come to expect.  This book sets the stage for all of the other jaw-dropping work that follows.  These books contain harsh, blasphemous language that is suitable for the condition that we find ourselves in of full-spectrum warfare in Hell, so there will be no apologies or sanitized versions of these books ever offered. These books should change your life and change your world.